Who We Are

Who We Are
YTC America Inc. (YTCA) is located at 3401 Calle Tecate in Camarillo, CA in a 80,000 sqft. facility in Ventura County, and is within about an hour’s drive between Los Angeles to the south and Santa Barbara to the north. The facility features about 40,000 sqft. of laboratory space, which is equipped with several wet labs for chemical synthesis, thin film printing equipment, metal and polymer processing equipment, electronic testing, and state-of-the art analytical equipment. All metal and polymer processing equipment is sized to run prototype production for pilot-scale demonstrations. The analytical capabilities include high resolution optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and a wide range of chemical spectroscopy, thermal and physical analysis equipment.
All R&D projects are aimed to develop new material solutions that enable Yazaki to execute on its technology roadmaps associated with vehicle electrification, vehicle light-weighting, and sustainable energy to achieve carbon negativity.
YTC America is affiliated with Yazaki Research and Technology Center located in Susono, Japan.